
Madison has a storied background in healthcare, and is known for developing consumer-centered, best-in-class experiences and products for Fortune 50 healthcare companies. He is currently Associate Vice President of Product and Patient Experiences for CenterWell, a Humana subsidiary - focused on designing care delivery experiences that support older adults across Primary Care, Home Health and Pharmacy services. Previous to that, he held numerous positions at Elevance Health, ending as Head of Product for Elevance’s AI team.

Madison has a background in public health and nutrition, including an M.S. in Applied Nutrition from Sage. He is passionate about Pitney’s ability to impact the community’s ability to feed and care for the most vulnerable.

Madison has been a resident of Saratoga for well over a decade, and is originally a Rochester NY native. He has two boys who love playing at Pitney, riding their bikes or just digging in the dirt.

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