Spring is just around the corner...
Our gardeners are getting excited! Thanks to Mayra and her family for tagging us on facebook in this photo of their seedlings sprouting! We'd love to see more, so please take a pic and tag us on facebook or instagram.
Spring is here and we have plenty of opportunities for gardeners to be in-the-know!
Our 2nd annual Community Forum on March 31st is a great way to learn about the Community Gardens and programs.
Volunteer Opportunities! We have work days scheduled for April 6 and 13 for bed building and spring cleanup. For more information and to register click here.
Our first mandatory meeting for community gardeners is scheduled for May 7th from 6 to 7 p.m. at our office at 112 Spring Street (lower level conference room).
I hope to see you at the upcoming events. As always, please direct garden questions my way at Joyce.Carroll@pitneymeadows.org