2019 Impact Report
To our Friends of Pitney Meadows Community Farm,
Looking out on a new decade offers us a deeper-than-usual moment to reflect. 2019 was a transformative year for our community farm. Our gratitude extends from our Board and staff to our volunteers, supporters, visitors, city and county officials, program and event partners and sponsors, neighbors, and friends. Our commitment remains to steward this land, create access and opportunity for all who wish to participate, and to play an integral role in promoting and contributing to the local food economy. An effort such as this requires creativity, perseverance, and lots of celebration.
Let's reflect together on how far we've come, everyone who has contributed to our growing lists of accomplishments, and all that lays before us as we continue to evolve, iterate, and bring to life this vital community asset.
Come and join us as we develop our “farm in the city” — a place for all to grow!
With gratitude,
Rich Torkelson, Board Chair